JSU – Jewish Student Union Clubs

Jewish Student Union (JSU) clubs engage Jewish teens exactly where they are – in school.  Clubs meet weekly in public and private high schools around Oregon either during lunch or immediately after school.  JSU clubs give teens a forum to meet other Jews and discuss both communal and global Jewish current events.  JSU clubs have been successful in connecting unaffiliated teens and inspiring them to take initiative in the broader Jewish community.

There are JSU clubs in the following schools:

Franklin High School

Ida B. Wells High school

Jackson Middle school

Lincoln High school

McDaniel High school

Mountainside High School

Riverdale High school

Robert Gray Middle school

Skyview High school

Sunset High school

Tigard High School

Wilsonville High school

Cleveland High school*


Beumont Middle School


Benson High school

St. Helens High school


Grant High school

St. Mary’s Academy

Catlin Gable school

Southridge High school

For more info go to https://jsu.org/ or contact Meira Spivak, meira@ncsy.org to start a JSU club at your school.



Check out all the action on Facebook here.